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pppoe server
(въезд в тему и попытка настроить =) )

sh# cd /usr/ports/net/mpd4
sh# cat /usr/ports/net/mpd4/pkg-descr
Mpd is a netgraph(4) based implementation of the multi-link PPP
protocol for FreeBSD.  It is designed to be both fast and flexible.
It handles configuration and negotiation in user land, while routing
all data packets strictly in the kernel.  It supports several of
the numerous PPP sub-protocols and extensions, such as:

      Multi-link PPP capability
      PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP and EAP authentication
      PPP compression and encryption
      IPCP and IPV6CP parameter negotiation

Mpd have support for many link types:

      Serial port modem
      Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol (PPTP)
      Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP)
      PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
      PPP over TCP
      PPP over UDP
      PPP over specified netgraph(4) node

Mpd also includes many additional features:

      IPv4 and IPv6 support
      RADIUS authentication and accounting
      NetFlow traffic accounting
      Network address translation (NAT)
      Dial-on-demand with idle timeout
      Multiple active connections running simultaneously
      Dynamic demand based link management (also known as ``rubber bandwidth'')
      Powerful chat scripting language for asynchronous serial ports
      Pre-tested chat scripts for several common modems and ISDN TAs
      Clean device-type independent design
      Comprehensive logging
      Telnet and HTTP control interfaces.

WWW: http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/mpd

sh# make install clean
sh# rehash

Теперь нужно понять что есть что.
sh# man mpd4
     /usr/local/share/doc/mpd4   Directory containing the mpd manual
     /usr/local/etc/mpd4         Default configuration file directory
     mpd.conf                    Configuration file
     mpd.links                   Definitions of individual links
     mpd.script                  Modem chat scripts
     mpd.secret                  Account name, password pairs
     /var/run/mpd.pid            Stored process ID and lock file

sh# mpd4 -h
Usage: mpd [options] [system]
-b, --background                      Run as a background daemon
-d, --directory config-dir            Set config file directory
-k, --kill                            Kill running mpd process before start
-f, --file config-file                Set configuration file
-p, --pidfile filename                Set PID filename
-s, --syslog-ident ident              Identifier to use for syslog
-v, --version                         Show version information
-h, --help                            Show usage information

ну и самое главное... Всё лежит тут! Читаем:

начитались и ежели поняли что к чему переходим к конфигурированию:
sh# cd /usr/local/etc/mpd4
sh# tar cvzf sample.tar.gz *
sh# cp mpd.conf.sample mpd.conf
sh# cp mpd.links.sample mpd.links
sh# cp mpd.script.sample mpd.script
sh# cp mpd.secret.sample mpd.secret
sh# rm *.sample

Вычищаем файл и оставляем то что нам нужно:
sh# ee /etc/syslog.conf
*.*                                             /var/log/mpd.log
sh# kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog.pid`

sh# ee mpd.links
        set phys type pppoe		; тип pppoe
        set pppoe iface rl0		; наш интерфейс
        set pppoe service "f2pppoe"	; имя
        set pppoe disable incoming	;
        set pppoe enable originate	;